If you have a very modest ambition to get every philosophical thought and cultural current in the 18th century , in a delightful harmonious flowing tale , preperably just the one book , then you have come to the right place.
Tom Jones is quite simply a one stop story of all you need to know about the 18th century , plus many timeless wisdoms to boot.All that and a lot of laughs.
Every paragraph seems to contain a self-enclosed philosophy , replete with pathos and wisdom ,within itself , whilst not interrupting the easy going ebb and cascade of the narrative.This Opus is never ostentatious , though he never misses the chance to pugilist egregious generous helpings of perfidious fastidious critiques to his sparring partner Richardson and various randoms on the age.You can get an inkling of the history behind this in this link
His sparring partners also included a Prime Minister , who subsequently passed an Act banning plays without censorial approval with was only repealed a few decades ago.The upshot of this closing of the stage door was to open the avenue of the novel.
With that in mind you will not find a more clear and concise social history in so few delightfully entertaining pages.
Amongst many many litanies he offers such sagacious advice as this for the Qualities for a Prince ( Leader) in Part 2 page 146....(The prince be) contented with all the power he has, (have) enough wisdom to know his own happiness,(foster) Goodness sufficient to support happiness of others.
He even narrows down to one short sentence the substance of study , " the great use of Philosophy is to learn how to die.".
The values ; lessons and aphorisms come in flurries , so a quick mono-paced reading is not the ideal method to digest the sublime goodness of the worth of the Work.This has to be savoured , chewed over slowly , that way you will get the best out of it , and be nourished for a long time to come.
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